mendelian theory造句
- Yule s sympathy towards the newly rediscovered Mendelian theory of genetics led to several papers.
- The Mendelian theory of inheritance declared that genetic traits and attributes were passed from one generation to another.
- Later research, using " Digitalis purpurea ", showed that his results were largely in line with Mendelian theory.
- The Darwinian theory of evolution arose, and the [ [ Mendelian theory of genetics, as well as the germ theory of disease, cell theory ( tested by the existence of viruses.
- For example, Darden examines the Mendelian " Theory of the Gene, " which underwent significant theoretical modifications from around 1900 ( when Mendel was " rediscovered " ) to 1926 ( when Thomas Hunt Morgan published his famous textbook defining Mendelian theory in its roughly modern form ).
- Proponents of eugenics used Mendelian inheritance theory to demonstrate the transfer of biological illness and impairments from parents to children, including mental disability; others also utilised Mendelian theory to demonstrate the inheritance of social traits, with racialists claiming a racial nature of certain general traits such as inventiveness or criminal behaviour.
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